THROAT CHAKRA Lapis Lazuli Larimar Mala Necklace Beach Wedding Blue Lace Agate Sodalite Bohemian Meditation Balancing Water Sign 108 Knotted


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Awaken Your Kundalini
Energized and Blessed The Ultimate Fifth Chakra Mala, Throat Chakra Mala Beads For Communication Self Expression Creativity in Writing Speaking Listening. THROAT CHAKRA Lapis Lazuli Larimar Mala Necklace Beach Wedding Blue Lace Agate Sodalite Bohemian Meditation Balancing Water Sign 108 Knotted Prayer beads Throat Chakra, Beach Wedding, Mala Necklace, Bohemian Necklace, Chakra Healing, Chakra Balancing, Chakra Necklace,Wedding Necklace, Healing Crystals



Handmade in USA: Total beads 108+1.

The Throat Chakra/Fifth Chakra..............

The throat chakra stones come in a range of colors, but the blue stones are the ones we mainly think of as crystals to use to aid this chakra.

While many are blue there are stones in other colors that will assist this chakra.

There are more stones for the 5th chakra than the ones listed here, but these are some of the common ones that are easy to obtain.

This chakra reacts powerfully to the use of high vibration crystal energy stones.

But if you are not used to the higher vibrations, use the chakra stones with a lower crystal energy first. Then move onto the higher vibration stones.

There are many lower energy chakra stones that you may prefer to use first and you many of these are powerful stones to aid your communication ability.

Where Is The Throat Chakra ... Chakra Meanings
The throat chakra or 5th chakra is located in the neck, above the collarbone. This chakra is associated with the thyroid gland. By ensuring you have a healthy throat area you assist truthful and honest expression of your ideas.

It is the area of the body where your communication abilities emerge, and is associated with hearing, including psychic hearing.

The throat chakra meanings are associated with hearing, speaking, listening and communicating. This chakras meaning is all about the concept of 'speaking' especially in a metaphysical sense, and with hearing in a psychic sense.

It is fundamentally to do with communication and self expression. The throat chakra not only manages the health of the physical throat but also the etheric areas it governs.

The more esoteric concepts of communicating such as hearing your inner voice, and the energy of speech which aids you with speaking your truth, are related to the throat chakra. The psychic gift of clairaudience is governed by this area, as it covers the area of the ears and the throat.

This chakra primarily resonates to the color blue. There are many beautiful stones in a range of blue shades that can be easily obtained, and many are stunning stones to look at. In particular you may wish to buy some of the more powerful blue stones, including Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Blue Sodalite,Apatite, Ammonite, Aquamarine,Blue Aventurine, Chrysocolla,Howlite, Labradorite,Malachite, Ocean Jasper and Turquoise.

The key word of communication is vital, as our ability to communicate with both our higher self and the Divine mind is extraordinarily important.

One of the important communications governed by this chakra, is the clairaudient communication with your spirit guides.

There are quite a few crystals that will aid you to develop your communication abilities via the fifth chakra.

If you work on contacting your spirit guide, this will aid you in your overall spiritual and psychic development.

If you develop the psychic communication abilities of this chakra you can make an enormous difference to your spirituality and healing.

Some of the crystals or stones that I have used that are most effective, are listed in this article, but as the list is quite long, it is located at the end of this article.

Who Should Use the Chakra Stones

Every chakra is responsible for the health of the area where it is located.

If the 5th chakra is not in optimum health problems may occur in the throat or neck area.

You need to be aware that when these areas are not functioning well you may suffer from problems there.

Physically this chakras function is to manage the bronchial area, the esophagus, the nose, ears and mouth.

This area is one of the chakras that the high vibration stones assist. This is because this chakra is also associated with spiritual aspects.

Stones that have a high vibration will work simultaneously on the heart chakra, throat, third eye and crown chakra, in addition to the soul star chakra and the other transpersonal chakras which are above the head.

Meditation with certain high energy crystals can help to bring out innate abilities that having been waiting to emerge, including your clairaudient or psychic hearing ability.
As new abilities emerge from the work you do on your throat chakra you will be pleased to be able to clearly communicate with others.

With greater confidence and a more balanced perspective on life emerging, you can more ably communicate your ideas, with wisdom, understanding and love.

As you increase the flow of energy to the area that this chakra is responsible for, you may find change happens. If you are in need of developing better self expression, working on the throat chakra can help.

Better communication is being able to say what you need to say, at the right time, and listening so you can hear what you need to hear, including communication from spirit.


Blue Lace Agate, with its blue crystal energy, will open and clear the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed.Blue Lace Agate will boost your ability to communicate, especially the thoughts and feelings that you receive from your higher self. This is a soothing and nurturing stone, that will bring you calmness and peace of mind, and it is an excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties.The most important property of the Crazy Lace Agate is its ability to induce joy. It has been called the Happiness Stone because of its uplifting energy. Positive vibrations in the crystal are very effective at the elimination of pessimism. It can give its owner a more optimistic outlook on life.Its energy resonates within the throat chakra bringing a lovely sense of tranquility, as it alleviates anger and nervous tension.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use if you need to boost your ability to express yourself, when you sense that it is required.Blue Lace Agate will help you to clarify your thoughts, so that the person you are communicating with will clearly understand your point of view.

They will get exactly what you want them to understand. It will assist you to speak freely and release any feelings associated with the opinions of others.

Emotionally it aids you to express your feelings, so it encourages you to let go of old emotions, especially related to childhood trauma.

Wearing Blue Lace Agate may benefit you, as the vibration of this blue stone may aid you to speak out, without fear of judgment.

It is excellent to help you to release anger that may have been stored in the body from past experiences. If you like using positive affirmations, this crystal helps to amplify the energy.

It is an excellent asset to use if you do any healing using sound, like using crystal bowls or any energy work using the spoken voice. When using this stone, your ability to manage all varieties of communication is strongly improved, including communication psychically.

It also aids you to make contact with other beings within the spiritual realm, and aids you to contact the angels. This lovely blue crystal has an ability to facilitate smooth communication on all levels.

It may help you to get answers to your questions from your guides, regarding specific information you desire to find out from them.

When using it during meditation, it will first clear the throat chakra, then connect to the third eye.

The energy will then continue to move up through the crown chakra to help you to make a connection to your higher self and the spirit world.

If you have found in the past that you have the propensity to speak without thinking, or find it hard to stop talking, this stone will calm your communications.

This blue crystal is one of the more powerful healing stones for those whose spiritual development method is speaking affirmations, or if you are doing EFT tapping.

It is a lovely stone to ease any sense of agitation or upsets you may be feeling. It may assist you to heal old unresolved issues.

Its quiet calming energy is a stone for anyone who wants to allow their vibration to lift and who desires more inspired thinking, while elevating their communication abilities.

The vibration of this stone will benefit the glandular system, particularity the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and it is said to heal arthritis and aid the healing of broken bones.

It is also known to assist the healing of disorders within the skeletal system, especially within the bones of the neck and throat area.

It allows you to first access spiritual thoughts and feelings, and then express them in a truthful yet peaceful way.

If you discern that you are not being heard, it will give you a greater degree of confidence to 'speak your truth' when you feel that you need to.


Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. ... Sodalite may help with the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids. This stone is most recognized for healing, meditation and wisdom. This a good stone for general communication for self and writing. It is used for expressing logic and ideas due to its connection with the Throat Chakra. It is also used at the Brow Chakra due to the fact that it can access fine levels of intuitive information and promote the understanding of these concepts. It is also known to enhance community relationships. Considered a stone that is still evolving, sodalite can strongly affect changes in your attitude about yourself. It helps you be more objective and less critical about ways of dealing with existence. It is a stone associated with studying.

Sodalite teaches the nature of oneself in relationship to the universe, like gazing into a star-filled sky and forgetting the darkness to grasp the innumerable points of light. It inspires insight, awakening, examination, and connection. Called the blue “Logic Stone,” Sodalite emits an easy, tranquil energy that clears the mind and elicits deep thought, expanding the ability to arrive at logical conclusions based on rational consideration. It enhances one’s powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and strengthens self-discipline, efficiency and organization. Sodalite does not stimulate wisdom, but rather clears one’s vision and intellect opening the mind to formulate wisdom.
It dispels mental confusion, stilling the mind to allow new information to be received, and brings an enlightened perspective on life. Sodalite increases consciousness, idealism, and striving for the truth, and eliminates guilt and fears better than any other stone. It helps one own and verbalize one’s true feelings and to stand up for oneself.

Sodalite is an ideal stone for those who are oversensitive, defensive, impulsive, or prone to anxiety or panic attacks to stabilize the mind and allow a shift from emotional to rational. Hold as a worry or palm stone to regain composure, and wear or carry Sodalite to maintain a calm, stable energy. Place on the Third Eye area to gain intellectual understanding and a clearer perspective of one’s self or a situation. Working with a Sodalite sphere helps correct aggressiveness towards others, as well as the self, and can reduce tendencies toward sadism or masochism.A valued support crystal for women, Sodalite may be used to bring balance to the emotions and diminish outbursts brought on by PMS, menopause, or other hormone-related matters. It promotes understanding and assists in coming to terms with issues of aging, loss of fertility, empty nest syndrome and entering a new phase of life.

Sodalite is a talisman of the writer, known for enhancing creativity and inspiration, focus, and clear communication. It has also been called the Poet’s Stone, the Stone of Creatives, as well as the Stone of Truth. Utilize Sodalite as a research or study aid to remain centered and to sort out the new and unfamiliar, for stimulating deep thought, and for increasing inventiveness and originality in the expression of one’s artistic work. Sodalite may also be used as a psychic shield to keep others from stealing one’s ideas and inspirations.

Place Sodalite on computers to block their emanations and clear electromagnetic pollution. It is highly beneficial for those sensitive to “sick-building syndrome” or electromagnetic smog.Sodalite is a stone of truth, enabling the conscious and subconscious mind to connect with one’s thoughts and feelings, and helps one to recognize and verbalize those feelings and truths objectively. It allows the shadow qualities, those negative traits one dislikes about oneself, to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and accepted without judgement. Sodalite discharges anger and negative thoughts and empowers the release of core fears, phobias, guilt, and control mechanisms that hold one back. It creates a clear insightful mind open to finding inner peace. Sodalite enkindles self-acceptance and self-trust, and embraces the importance of remaining true to oneself.

Sodalite resonates with blue crystal energy that stimulates the Throat Chakra, the voice of the body. It is, in essence, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked, or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. When the Throat Chakra is in balance and open, it allows for the expression of what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions, bringing our personal truth out into the world. We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release. Blue crystal energy will unblock and balance the Throat Chakra. Darker shades of blue encourage the power of truth, while lighter shades carry the power of flexibility, relaxation, and balance.

Sodalite is an awakener of the Brow Chakra, or Third Eye, the center of our perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here, and we relate to ourselves through this chakra. It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions. It commands the energy flow within the body. When the Brow Chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see. We can interpret visual cues and our perception is high. Our thoughts and internal communications within ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We are open to new ideas, dreams, and visions, and can control the flow of energy within all the chakras. The dark blue/purple crystals of indigo are used to may help with imbalances of the Brow Chakra. It is a quiet color, one of mystery and wisdom and judgment.

Sodalite is an extraordinary stone uniting logic with intuition, encouraging spirituality and deep thinking. It is highly effective as a guide on inner travels through meditation, dream work or shamanic journeying, and can provide one with access to the sacred laws of the universe. By calmly presenting ideas, insights into the self, or symbolic imagery from the subconscious, Sodalite stimulates thought and allows the subtle feelings to permeate the center of one’s being. It promotes multileveled understanding, and allows one to both “speak the truth” and “know the truth.” Sodalite is an excellent grounding tool for channeling inspirational, spiritual, and metaphysical writings, keeping one’s focus on the Third Eye center. It assists in activating the six clairs - clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairolfaction, and clairgustation. As a stone of insight and pattern recognition, Sodalite is a support stone for astrologers, numerologists, tarot readers.


Lapis Lazuli helps release problems in the throat area, such as repressed anger. It activates, energises and balances the throat chakra and encourages self-awareness. Being a stone of truth, it promotes honesty when speaking or writing, which could be beneficial to journalists and executives.Lapis is an excellent stone for executives, journalists, and psychologists, stimulating wisdom and good judgment in the practical world. It aids intellectual analysis in archeologists and historians, problem solving for lawyers, and creates new ideas for inventors and writers.

Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory.

A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, and in the spoken and written word. Wear it for all forms of deep communication. It is also a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. A Lapis grid brings calm and loving communication for a home with temperamental teenagers, or children with Asperger's syndrome, autism, or attention-deficit disorder.

For fame in a creative or public performance-related area, wear or carry Lapis Lazuli to auditions. In the workplace, it attracts promotion, success and lasting recognition in your field.

Lapis Lazuli is beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal chords, and helps regulate the endocrine and thyroid glands. It overcomes hearing loss and other problems with ear and nasal passages.

Lapis Lazuli enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm. It reduces vertigo and lowers blood pressure, and is thought to alleviate insomnia.

Relieve oozing or septic sties, and other eye infections, by rubbing the area with a piece of Lapis heated in warm water. Once cooled, the water can then be used for an eye bath. A Lapis heated in sunlight, reduces bruising and is good for skin problems and insect bites.

Lapis is beneficial for women suffering from menstrual irregularities, and relieves cramps, stiffness and lumbago. Lapis Lazuli relieves general pain and inflammations, and is especially effective against migraine headaches. It aids the nervous system and brain disorders, and is believed to help with attention-deficit, autism and Asperger's syndrome.
Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of truth in all aspects. It reveals inner truth, and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It provides for the relief of things that may have been suppressed and allows for them to surface, helping to diminish dis-ease or repressed anger, and allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising.

Lapis encourages dignity in friendship and social ability. It encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion and uprightness when dealing with others. It provides an awareness of one's motivations and beliefs, and gives a clearer perspective of one's whole life. It reveals not only one's limitations, but the opportunities for growth and to utilize one's gifts and abilities.

Lapis Lazuli activates the psychic centers at the Third Eye, and balances the energies of the Throat Chakra.

The Brow Chakra, also called the Third Eye, is the center of our perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here, and we relate to ourselves through this chakra.

It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions. It commands the energy flow within the body. When the brow chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see. We can interpret visual cues and our perception is high. Our thoughts and internal communications within ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We are open to new ideas, dreams, and visions. We can be quietly observant, and reflective. We can control the flow of energy within all the chakras.Lapis Lazuli

The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. In balance, it allows for the expression of what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions. When the throat chakra is in balance and open, we can bring our personal truth out into the world. We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release. Blue crystal energy will unblock and balance the throat chakra. The darker shades of blue carry the power of truth.


Larimar stone is an active throat chakra crystal, that has a vibration that assists clear communication. It has powerful metaphysical properties that help to dissolve emotional barriers.
Larimar is a stone of tremendous benefit to the Throat Chakra, opening the way for clear communication and the ability to speak openly from the heart.

The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body, in essence, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed. If it is blocked, or out of balance, it can affect the health of the other chakras. When the throat chakra is in balance and open, it allows for the expression of what we think and what we feel. We can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions, bringing our personal truth out into the world. We have an easy flow of energy within the body and spirit. The energy that springs upward from the lower chakras can continue its path enabling free expression and natural release.

Connected to the goddess energies of Sea and Sky, Larimar helps women to re-attune to their innate femininity and restore their connection with nature. It emanates vivaciousness, humor, and a sense of one's own power. It helps women to call upon the goddess within to fully manifest their highest purpose in life. It assists men in connecting with their feminine, intuitive and receptive natures.

Larimar is useful in dimensional and cellular work, and is an excellent mineral for purging entities from one's environment and one's corporeal existence. It may also be used for gridding to bring serenity into an environment and to bring a message of loving energy to those of other worlds.

Larimar is a stone for Earth healing. It represents peace and clarity, and emits an energy of healing and love. Placed on the earth, it counteracts earth energy imbalances and geopathic stress.

Larimar assists in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-sabotaging behavior, especially toward martyrdom, and encourages taking control of one's life. It is particularly useful in admitting guilt, when guilty, and in bringing about a sense of peace in truthfulness.

Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer, especially for phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It aids in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, and allows for emotional release and the clearing of deep emotional patterns. It helps one to reconnect to a previous, more natural state of playfulness and joyful childlike energy.

A highly effective stone of the Throat Chakra, Larimar assists in communicating emotions and boundaries in a way others can hear and accept. It teaches the respect, love and nurturing of oneself in order to have the resources to give these gifts to others. It is an excellent crystal for healers and caregivers.

Larimar is particularly helpful for cartilage and throat conditions, and dissolves blockages of the head, neck and chest. It may also be laid on constricted joints or arteries.

As a reflexology tool, Larimar opens the acupressure/acupuncture meridians at the feet allowing for the recognition of which painful spots lead to which areas of the body in order to remove and clear the dis-ease.

Larimar is used to enhance alternative may help withments, particularly those involving heat, light, and water. It is an antidote to emotional extremes and helps ameliorate bipolar disorders.

Larimar relieves high blood pressure and stress-related illnesses, and may alleviate excessive Fire element energy such as infection, fever and inflammation. It may also be used to may help with skin disorders aggravated by stress, such as hives, rashes, eczema and psoriasis.

Larimar is a crystal of serenity, promoting relaxation in every aspect. Use as a worry stone, or place in the home or workplace to assure a pleasant atmosphere. Hold as you sit on the seashore, or gaze into the sea-like patterns of the stone, to reconnect with the ebbs and flows of your inner tides. As you sit in a bath surrounded by blue candles, use Larimar to connect with the healing powers of the dolphin through visualization or dolphin call music. Simply wearing Larimar creates a fundamental awareness of the "all-rightness" of the world.

Use Larimar to overcome fear of doctors, hospitals, injections or surgery. It promotes clear and confident communication with health personnel.

Larimar is a wonderful stone for mothers, during and after pregnancy. It helps in alleviating postpartum depression, and relaxes the stress associated with new parenthood.

As a soothing Water element stone, Larimar cools hot tempers and guides excessive passion into peace. It may be used to diminish the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, and when one's kundalini energies have become uncomfortably active.

As a crystal of the Throat Chakra, using Larimar in a pendant or laying-on-of-stones may help withment will unleash the voice of one's deepest wisdom. Singers may also find Larimar a wonderful talisman for enhancing and protecting the voice.

Larimar is an excellent stone for finding a soulmate. It facilitates the healing of unresolved issues or fears, trauma to the heart, or past-life relationships.


What is a Mala? A Mala is a string of beads used to count mantras (Sanskrit prayers) in sets of 108 repetitions.

What is Mantra? A mantra is a word or series of words chanted aloud or silently to invoke spiritual qualities. Chanting is used as a spiritual tool in virtually every cultural and religious tradition. In the yogic tradition a mantra is a Sanskrit word that has special powers to transform consciousness, promote healing or fulfill desires.The practice of chanting a mantra is used as a form of meditation. Sitting in a comfortable position, with the eyes closed, the mantra is repeated silently or aloud. The mind is focused on the mantra, the thoughts are let go of and the breath is slow and deep.

What is Japa? Malas are used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity. This practice is known in Sanskrit as Japa.

A Japa Mala or Prayer Mala or Meditation Mala (meaning garland) is a set of beads commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists, usually made from 108 beads, though other numbers, usually divisible by 9, are also used. When Mantras are repeated on beads of Mala, it is called Japa and the mala is called Japa Mala. Malas are typically made with 19, 21, 27, 54 or 108 beads. In Tibetan Buddhism, traditionally Malas of 108 beads are used. Some practitioners use Malas of 21 or 28 beads for doing prostrations. Doing one 108-bead Mala counts as 100 mantra recitations, the extra repetitions done to amend any mistakes in pronunciation or other faults of recitation. Malas are mainly used to count mantras. These mantras can be recited for different purposes linked to working with mind. The material used to make the beads can vary according to the purpose of the mantras used. Some beads can be used for all purposes and all kinds of mantras. The distinctive Japa or Meditation Mala consists of 108 individually knotted beads. A single guru bead is attached to the threaded tassel. Prayer beads are an indispensable tool for meditation. Each bead is used to count the repetition of a mantra or chant. The number 108 bears spiritual significance across several religions. When a mantra is repeated 108 times, the person meditating is connecting with the spirit of the universe, paying respects in deep humility to that which pervades all life. A personal Mala is a wonderful accessory to meditation, which when used regularly with a personal mantra, absorbs the vibrations of the practice. It becomes like a close friend or a comfortable piece of clothing. The Japa or Meditation or Prayer Mala, when worn also acts as a talisman and maintains a positive flow of energy throughout the body. Moreover, now a days bead therapy is very common and many people have been benefited by this.

Doing one 108-bead Mala counts as 100 mantra recitations, the extra repetitions done to amend any mistakes in pronunciation or other faults of recitation. These mantras can be recited for different purposes linked to working with mind. The material used to make the beads can vary according to the purpose of the mantras used. Some beads can be used for all purposes and all kinds of mantras.

To Empower the Mala and the Mantra used, Japa (mantra meditation) should be practiced each day for 40 continuous days. When the Mala becomes empowered, it can be worn or lightly placed on oneself or others to transmit the energy of the Mantra as well as the energetic qualities of the Mala. When you use a new Mantra with a Mala, this energy becomes replaced, so it is recommended to use a new Mala with each mantra if possible.

When not in use, store your Mala in a special, clean and preferably sacred space. The best place to store a Mala is on a personal alter or statue of a deity.

How to Use a Mala? Hold your Mala in your right hand and use your thumb to “count” each mantra by touching the bead during the recitation and then lightly pushing the bead away on completion and moving to the next bead. The index finger is extended and should not touch the mala. The large meru (mountain) bead should not be counted or touched by the thumb and is used as a starting and ending point of the recitation. If you have a wrist mala of 27 beads you will need to repeat this 3 more times. Continue by pulling the beads and going backwards until you again end at the meru and continue until you have done 108 repetitions, or multiples of 108.

It is not necessary that Mala can only be used for Meditation. It can also be worn as a Necklace to Attract Positive Vibes (all Malas) and bring Medical Benefits (in some cases like AGATE, Turmeric or Haldi mala).

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General Disclaimer:

The information provided about our crystals and metaphysical products is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, legal, or financial advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Energetic Properties Disclaimer:
Our crystals are believed by some to possess energetic properties. However, these beliefs are based on metaphysical and spiritual traditions. We make no claims regarding the scientific validity of these properties. Individual experiences may vary, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Crystals and metaphysical products should be used responsibly. Keep them out of reach of children and pets. Do not ingest or use in ways other than intended. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult with a healthcare professional before using our products.
Variation Disclaimer:
Each crystal is unique, and variations in color, shape, and size are natural. The images on our website are representative of the product you will receive, but slight differences may occur.
No Guarantee Disclaimer:
While some individuals may experience positive effects from using our crystals and metaphysical products, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Results are subjective and depend on individual beliefs and practices.
Cleansing and Charging Disclaimer:
It is recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals before use, according to metaphysical practices. However, the effectiveness of these practices is not guaranteed, and they should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.
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By purchasing and using our products, you agree that our company is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or misuse of our crystals and metaphysical products.
General Disclaimer:
The information provided about our crystals and metaphysical products is for educational and informative purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, legal, or financial advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Energetic Properties Disclaimer:
Our crystals are believed by some to possess energetic properties. However, these beliefs are based on metaphysical and spiritual traditions. We make no claims regarding the scientific validity of these properties. Individual experiences may vary, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Safety Disclaimer:
Crystals and metaphysical products should be used responsibly. Keep them out of reach of children and pets. Do not ingest or use in ways other than intended. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult with a healthcare professional before using our products.
Variation Disclaimer:
Each crystal is unique, and variations in color, shape, and size are natural. The images on our website are representative of the product you will receive, but slight differences may occur.
No Guarantee Disclaimer:
While some individuals may experience positive effects from using our crystals and metaphysical products, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Results are subjective and depend on individual beliefs and practices.
Cleansing and Charging Disclaimer:
It is recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals before use, according to metaphysical practices. However, the effectiveness of these practices is not guaranteed, and they should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.
Limited Liability Disclaimer:
By purchasing and using our products, you agree that our company is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or misuse of our crystals and metaphysical products.
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