Crystals for Menopause Necklace Wrap Bracelet Crystal healing Hormone Balance hot flashes hot flash relief menstrual cycle menstrual disorde


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Awaken Your Kundalini - Energized, Blessed And Handmade in USA - AAA Grade 8mm - 108 Beads Healing Mala Necklace, 7 Chakra Tassel Necklace, Meditation Spiritual Protection Necklace,Natural Stone Mala Prayer Beads Necklace
108 Beads Necklace, Mala Bead Necklace, 108 Mala Necklace, Yoga Bead Necklace, Gemstone Necklace, Mala Beads Necklace, Tassel Necklace, Menopause Necklace, Turquoise Necklace, Prayer Beads, 108 Beads Mala, Meditation Necklace
Energized and Blessed Powerful Crystals for Menopause Necklace Menopausal Crystal healing Hormone Balance hot flashes hot flash relief menstrual cycle menstrual disorder

Moonstone;Moonstone is excellent for menopausal symptoms, as it helps balance the hormones, calms the roller coaster ride of your emotions, and eases stress and anxiety. It also helps you to feel better about yourself from the inside out.

Crystals have the ability to absorb energy, enabling them to clear the negativity of stress and anxiety, while balancing your body on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. The energy or vibration of the Moonstone helps to stimulate the endocrine system of the body.

The energy of this crystal Moonstone is exceptional, as it resonates with all seven Chakras (the wheels of spinning energy inside the body) to promote healing. Moonstone also helps to improve intuition, creativity, and the ability to communicate. Moonstone crystals help you through life transitions and allow you to feel more grounded and in control. This collectively leads to an increase in personal power. The Moonstone crystal meaning is associated with the inner goddess, a symbol of fertility and sensuality.

Moonstone is a traditional stone for attuning to the ebb and flow of the moon’s energy. For this reason it can be helpful in stabilising female cycles and can help males be-come attuned to the subtle hormonal shifts they experience during the moon phases. It can also be used to help balance water retention.
​Moonstone helps the digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention. It eases degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
Moonstone crystal water has been traditionally used for insomnia and the stone can prevent sleepwalking.
​It is linked to the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilises fluid imbalances, and attunes to the biorhythm clock. It is helpful in cases of shock and can be used to calm hyperactive children.
Moonstone is the stone most associated with female fertility, and the associated menses, premenstrual syndrome and menopause. The Divine Feminine works through this stone to help assist women in all the joys of womanhood - maid, mother and wise woman. This stone helps you embrace the constant ebb and flow of female hormones.Moonstone can help to sort through your emotions and gain a higher perspective on their meaning and purpose. It can aid in releasing frustration and surrendering to the natural progress of the cycles of life. It enhances patience and helps you remain objective when receiving empathic information from others.
​Moonstone calms over reactions to situations and to emotional triggers. Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy.
It balances male-female energies and helps men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man or overly aggressive female.
Moonstone helps restore emotional balance This is a good stone for cleansing negative energy from your energy centres or chakras.
​This is also a stone of reflection, helping you to look within using the powerful tool of self observation for self improvement and spiritual growth. With this stone in hand, watch your actions and reactions to others without judgement.

Citrine; Citrine resonates with our solar plexus chakra and helps magnify personal energy and power. This crystal is said to manifest abundance, success, and good fortune, and is often called the ‘stone of prosperity’ or the ‘stone of success.’ Natural Citrine enhances physical stamina and energy, supports the endocrine system, and encourages proper metabolism. It is beneficial for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and may aid in reversing degenerative disease. It is thought to balance the thyroid and facilitate the diminishment of growths.

Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. It helps keep skin, nails, and hair healthy, and is good for relieving skin irritations and allergies, especially those caused by food or chemical intolerances. Natural Citrine is beneficial in eliminating infections of the kidney and bladder, and in the may help withment of bed wetting, particularly in young adults. As an elixir, Citrine relieves menstrual and menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, hormone imbalance and the alleviation of fatigue. It may also be used for nausea and vomiting, and morning sickness. Citrine activates nerve impulses, strengthening intelligence and the intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom.Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations.

Natural Citrine is a powerful purifier of one's will center, helping to identify and heal issues of power abuse and feelings of helplessness. It enables one to understand what is necessary to resolve those situations, and provides the courage and fortitude needed to make difficult decisions and take action.Natural Citrine is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. Worn, carried, or used in crystal healing, the radiant yellow color will increase the amount of light surrounding the body and protect the aura. It is also a good talisman to have in situations where one needs to feel confident and secure.
Citrine activates nerve impulses, strengthening intelligence and the intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom. It also aids in short-term memory loss. Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations.

Natural Citrine is a powerful purifier of one's will center, helping to identify and heal issues of power abuse and feelings of helplessness. It enables one to understand what is necessary to resolve those situations, and provides the courage and fortitude needed to make difficult decisions and take action.


Rhodochrosite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energising the soul. Rhodochrosite opens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress.Rhodochrosite is a strong stone to aid emotional healing. It encourages you to feel love for yourself, and its energy will assist you in meditation, to reach a state of joy and sublime happiness.

It also enhances your courage to look at those things that you have been unable to face previously, so that you can make changes in your life.

It helps to harmonize the male and female elements, so if there is too much either female or male aspects, this energy will help to create a harmonious and balanced personality.

For women who have suffered from sexual abuse, it is a strong stone to heal you. It encourages you to forgive yourself, and to allow yourself to feel acceptance of your role in what happened to you.

Pink Rhodochrosite is a stone that will help you to release old inner child issues that may have been holding you back. Once you have cleared these problems, you may be able to move on, and have a happier and more joy filled life.It can help you feel more confident in using your will to create a new reality.

Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion. It expands your consciousness and integrates the spiritual with the material energies. This stone gives to you a dynamic and positive attitude to life.
Rhodochrosite is an excellent stone for the heart and relationships, especially for people who feel unloved. It is the stone for people who need healing from sexual abuse.

Rhodochrosite will attract your soul mate to you but not all soul mates are there for eternal happiness some are there to teach you a life lesson. For example; the soul mate could be sent to you to teach you to be stronger and stand up for yourself rather that be there to declare undying love. Rhodochrosite teaches the heart to understand the painful feelings are there for a reason and to not be swamped or allow denial of the situation.
​It is an excellent anti-anxiety and anti-stress stone.
It will help you to clear negative emotional energy that have been trapped there by things that happened to you.
This stone could gently bring up painful memories, and it will help you to face them, even if they are difficult to believe.
Once you have cleared these issues, you may find that your creativity may be enhanced, as you allow your potential to blossom.
On the physical level it may help to relieve asthma and some other respiratory problems, and may assist blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

Lapis Lazuli; Lapis stone is recommended for insomniac patients and people suffering from blood pressure problems. Other physical healing benefits of the lapis stone include, stimulation of blood pressure, stabilizing of heart rhythm, healing of menstrual irregularities, stiffness, and cramping.Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. ... Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.

Garnet; Physical healing properties of garnet are believed to detoxify and purify. Garnet gemstones are thought to assist with regeneration, as supported by garnet meaning, and revitalization. Garnet is believed to increase the metabolism and libido. It is thought to detoxify the blood as well as the heart and lungs. Garnet benefits the chakras with cleansing and reenergizing garnet properties. Garnet crystals balance energy while they revitalize with a sense of calm serenity or passion. Garnet powers balance the sex drive while inspiring devotion and love.
Garnet is thought to have medicinal abilities to reduce body toxins. At times stones were placed in wounds to help heal by encouraging the clotting of the blood.

Garnet regenerates the body, stimulating metabolism. It may help with spinal and cellular disorders, purifies the blood, heart and lungs, and regenerates DNA. It assists assimilation of minerals and vitamins, including iodine, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamins A, D, and E.

Garnet can alleviate acne, low libido, and disturbances in the cardiac rhythm . It has been reported to relieve rheumatic and arthritic pain and some psychological illnesses. Garnet is useful to have in a crisis, particularly in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into those situations. Crisis is turned into challenge under Garnet's influence and promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble.

Garnet can act as a strong help to balance the energy system, stimulate desires and uplift your attitude. As a balancer stone, Garnet can prevent fears of insecurity and even money losses. They're lucky stones: lucky for love, success, and for goals. Use Garnet to increase your positivity and popularity, thus enhancing your personal self-esteem. As an energy stone, it can encourage success in business and business relationships. It is a wonderful executive gem, especially for women.
Garnet has even been credited with aiding widows in finding a new husband. After mourning for too long, Garnet helps to regain the spirit, calming sadness and emotional pain, helping those who have gone through great despair get back on their feet and become seductive again. Perhaps the same could be true for widowers as well. Garnet cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It inspires love and devotion, balancing the sex drive and alleviating emotional disharmony. Red Garnet in particular stimulates the kundalini energy and aids sexual potency. It stimulates from both the Base and Crown chakras to provide for free flow of movement via the spinal column and the inner pathway of light, distributing the appropriate amount of energy to each portion of the body.

Garnet has a strong link with the pituitary gland and can stimulate expanded awareness and past-life recall. It activates other crystals, amplifying their effect.

Lepidolite; A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. Lepidolite gives physical aid in may help withing: Fevers. Headaches and migraines. Alleviates pain. Depression and melancholy. Anxiety. Insomnia. Vision and hearing problems. Disorders of the throat, lungs and immune system. It’s healing properties relate to the sinus channels of the body, reducing lymph node swelling and boosting the endocrine system. For these reasons, Lapis Lazuli is great for may help withing throat and ear pain and infections. It is good for headaches and migraines. It will help problems with the lymphatic system, the ears and eyes and has a calming effect on the central nervous system. As such it will help to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.The soothing energy of Lepidolite can be used to help those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Lepidolite can also be an ally to a parent of a child with ADHD, or hyperactivity. Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, can be greatly reduced by utilizing Lepidolite. Ameliorating ailments involving the nervous system, Lepidolite can help those with Alzheimer's and epilepsy. Lepidolite contains trace amounts of Lithium, which explains why it is so helpful for achieving emotional balance. Due to its Lithium content, Lepidolite carries the benefit of clearing away depression after the emotion has served its purpose in one's personal growth.
It has a detoxifying effect and stimulates the purification process in the skin and connective tissues. Assists with nerve related disorders such as nerve pain and boosts the immune system.
Lepidolite locates the site of disease. Placed on the body over an area of disease, it vibrates gently. Lepidolite eases allergies, restructures DNA, and enhances the generation of negative ions. It relieves exhaustion, epilepsy and Alzheimers. Lepidolite numbs sciatica, neuralgia and overcomes joint problems. It is excellent for menopause symptoms.
The lithium contained within lepidolite holds the power to rebalance brain function and neurological functions. This stone is beneficial for depression and mental illness stemming from mood swings. Use this stone while in the process of healing neurological associated diseases.
It can energetically curb hyperactivity and/or attention deficit disorder. It is an excellent stone for sleep disorders, including insomnia due to stress or worry, or nightmares. #AwakenYourKundalini
General Disclaimer:

The information provided about our crystals and metaphysical products is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, legal, or financial advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Energetic Properties Disclaimer:
Our crystals are believed by some to possess energetic properties. However, these beliefs are based on metaphysical and spiritual traditions. We make no claims regarding the scientific validity of these properties. Individual experiences may vary, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Safety Disclaimer:
Crystals and metaphysical products should be used responsibly. Keep them out of reach of children and pets. Do not ingest or use in ways other than intended. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult with a healthcare professional before using our products.
Variation Disclaimer:
Each crystal is unique, and variations in color, shape, and size are natural. The images on our website are representative of the product you will receive, but slight differences may occur.
No Guarantee Disclaimer:
While some individuals may experience positive effects from using our crystals and metaphysical products, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Results are subjective and depend on individual beliefs and practices.
Cleansing and Charging Disclaimer:
It is recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals before use, according to metaphysical practices. However, the effectiveness of these practices is not guaranteed, and they should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.
Limited Liability Disclaimer:
By purchasing and using our products, you agree that our company is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or misuse of our crystals and metaphysical products.
General Disclaimer:
The information provided about our crystals and metaphysical products is for educational and informative purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, legal, or financial advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Energetic Properties Disclaimer:
Our crystals are believed by some to possess energetic properties. However, these beliefs are based on metaphysical and spiritual traditions. We make no claims regarding the scientific validity of these properties. Individual experiences may vary, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Safety Disclaimer:
Crystals and metaphysical products should be used responsibly. Keep them out of reach of children and pets. Do not ingest or use in ways other than intended. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult with a healthcare professional before using our products.
Variation Disclaimer:
Each crystal is unique, and variations in color, shape, and size are natural. The images on our website are representative of the product you will receive, but slight differences may occur.
No Guarantee Disclaimer:
While some individuals may experience positive effects from using our crystals and metaphysical products, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Results are subjective and depend on individual beliefs and practices.
Cleansing and Charging Disclaimer:
It is recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals before use, according to metaphysical practices. However, the effectiveness of these practices is not guaranteed, and they should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.
Limited Liability Disclaimer:
By purchasing and using our products, you agree that our company is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or misuse of our crystals and metaphysical products.
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